How to Make a Plan to Stay on Track
Did you know that more than 21% of the resolutions made this year were about losing weight and healthier eating? Even more interesting is that more than 40% of people make resolutions, but almost half of them fail.
If you’re like the millions of people who made New Year’s resolutions at the first of the year, you may be struggling a bit right about now. That is perfectly normal.
In this article, we look at how to make a plan and stay on track when it comes to your fitness and healthy living goals.
Make an Appointment with Yourself
You schedule meetings, doctor’s appointments, dates, sessions with your physical trainer and more. It’s time to schedule exercise right into your day planner.
It’s much easier to stay on track with your fitness goals if you schedule it on the calendar. For those days when you aren’t working out with your trainer, pick a time and write it in your calendar as this adds accountability and makes it more likely you’ll stick to it.
Pick a Time
For some people exercise in the morning is hard, really hard. Sure, you know those people who get up at 5 am to workout before work. But, what if you aren’t one of them?
It’s okay to work out at nearly any time of day. The key, though, is to schedule. Decide what time you’ll work out each day and put it on your calendar or set your phone or watch alarm to remind you.
Modify Busy Days
If you look at your calendar the beginning of the week, and you know that all day Wednesday is tied up with meetings and kids’ soccer games, make an alternate plan.
Consider these options for getting a little bit of exercise into your day:
- Park at the farthest side of the parking lot to the door you need to enter.
- Ditch the elevator and use the stairs.
- Walk, or pace, while you talk on the phone.
- Do some modified stretching at your desk.
The key here is to integrate small bouts of mini-exercise into your overly busy days.
Have a Support System
While your physical trainer is certainly supportive, it helps to have support at home, too. Encourage family members to work out with you.
If that isn’t an option, ask a buddy. A social support system makes exercise much more fun. Consider walking together, going out dancing or joining a club sport.
This is a great way to hang out with your friends while you get your workout in.
Write Out Your Goals
Goal setting is key to staying on track with your fitness goals. So, the most important thing you can do is write them down. Next, show them to someone. The most likely person is your trainer.
You want to set concrete goals that are S.M.A.R.T. This means goals that are:
- S – simple
- M – measurable
- A – achievable
- R – relevant
- T – time based
The best goals are S.M.A.R.T. goals because they are achievable. You don’t want to set goals that are so unrealistic, you can’t meet them. You also want to put a time limit on your goals. For example, your first goal might be to work out for one continuous month. Your next goal might be to lose 10 pounds in three months.
Make a date to assess your goals on a regular basis and schedule it into your date book.
If you have questions about goal setting, your trainer can help.
Have Fun
Yes, that’s right. We want you to have fun. The best kind of exercise is the kind you enjoy.
Make sure that your environment is suitable to your chosen workout. For example, there aren’t many people who like to use the elliptical for an hour staring at a blank wall. Listen to an audiotape, watch a video or jam to your favorite tunes.
The key is to have fun.
Make Exercise Part of Your Life
You will have greater success if exercise becomes an integral part of your life. It should be something you can’t imagine not doing.
While that may seem daunting to begin with, the more you exercise, the more you want to do it, and the higher likelihood you’ll make it part of your life permanently.
Final Thoughts
The best thing you can do after reading this article is to close your eyes and imagine what this looks like for you. Your health and fitness goals are yours alone, and it’s up to you to make the decision to commit.
By following these tips, you are well on your way to making a play to stay on track.
If you’d like some help or more information on physical training, please contact us today!
At Apex, we understand the critical importance of an exercise program on your health and well-being. We take your trust in our services very seriously and strive to give you the best and most effective personalized exercise program possible.